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Privacy Policy



1. General Provisions


The Private Policy explain the information collection, use and share practices of Thera Interactive DMCC (Unit №1507, DMCC Business Centre Level No 1, Jewellery & Gemplex 3, Dubai, UAE), license number DMCC-876894.

The Service does not collect personal data, including when registering as a participant in the Game.

The Service is not a personal data operator.

2. Types of information provided by Users

2.1. Registration information - specified when registering on the website and / or in the Game, is necessary to provide access to the Account.

2.2. Communication with the Administration. We collect information about the User's dialogues, for example, when contacting the support service.

2.3. Other information. The user has the right to provide other information at his own request, for example, when filling out forms and surveys, placing information within the Project.


3. Automatically collected information

3.1. When visiting the Sites, including the forum:

3.1.1. Browser Information

3.1.2. Access time

3.1.3. Referrer (address of the previous page)

3.1.4. Information and cookies

You may opt-out of the collection of personal information by changing the appropriate settings on your browser. This information is collected by statistics modules provided by third parties such as Google Analytics.


3.2. When using the Program:

3.2.1.”Crash report” in case of an error in the Program operation

3.2.2. Unique Device Identifiers (UDI), drive serial numbers, and other hardware data required to determine if a User Agreement violation has occurred

3.2.3. Chat logs, including public and private

Information identifying the essence of the User in the Project when using the Program, including information about the game resources available on the Account, achievements, and any other elements available only within the Program is not personal and confidential. The Service has the right to collect, store, process, distribute such information at its discretion, including the collection and publication in the public domain, both separate information and statistical information.


4. Purposes of collecting and processing information


All information is collected for the purpose of identifying and providing access to the Game, in order to improve the quality and ensure the efficiency of the Project, as well as to comply with this Legislation.

The user can at any time change (update, supplement) the information provided for in paragraph 2 of this Policy.


5. Terms of processing and storage of information


5.1. The Service takes all available technical and organizational measures to protect information provided by Users from unauthorized or accidental access to it, from destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.


5.2. At the same time, the User understands and agrees that the Service cannot provide a guarantee of absolute protection of information provided by Users and a guarantee of absolute security of communications between Users and the Project. The User acknowledges and agrees that the information posted by him in the Project can be used by search or other automated services and in other ways.


5.3. The User is solely responsible for keeping the data for accessing the Account  secret from third parties and promptly changing the password and / or contacting support in case of loss or disclosure of the password.


5.4. With respect to the User's personal information, its confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons.


5.5. The Service has the right to transfer the available information to third parties in the following cases:


5.5.1 The user has expressed his consent to such actions;

5.5.2. The transfer is necessary as part of the User's use of the Project;

5.5.3. The Service has partners providing services to it - such partners can process your data only on the instructions of the Administration and in accordance with them, for example, for payments, analytics and fraud prevention;

5.5.4. The transfer is provided for by applicable law within the framework of the procedure established by law;

5.5.5. Such transfer occurs as part of the sale or other transfer of the business (in whole or in part), while the acquirer passes all obligations to comply with the terms of this Policy in relation to the information received by him;

5.5.6. In order to ensure the possibility of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the Service.


6. International data transfer

The project is international, in connection with which the Service can provide any necessary data to third parties, while taking measures to provide appropriate means of data protection. The laws in these countries may differ from the laws of the country in which the User resides.

7. Final provisions

7.1. By placing any data on the Project's web resources, or in the game, in the public domain (the circle of persons having access to this data is unlimited) does this at his own peril and risk. The service is not responsible for the safety of these data.

7.2. The Administration has the right to make changes to this Policy. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy. The current version is always on the page at this address. In the case of continuing to use the Project, the User thereby confirms his acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

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Rules and ToS

© World Of Sea Battle. All rights reserved. 12+

Unit No: 1507
DMCC Business Centre Level No 1 
Jewellery & Gemplex 3 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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